8 Natural Herbal Remedies for Lipoma Treatment

What is Lipoma?

Lipomas are soft, spongy, fatty lumps. They are always benign (non-cancerous) growths consisting of fat cells that cluster together, forming anywhere on the body that has fat cells present. Lipomas typically are soft to touch, and are moveable under the skin when pressed. Lipomas normally appear in the fatty tissue, just beneath the skin, and may vary in size from the size of a pea to several centimetres across. These growths are the most conspicuous, with the shoulders, back and chest being the commonest areas of growth, even though not exclusively. Try Herbal Remedies for Lipoma Treatment offers by the experts of Natural Herbs Clinic. These herbal remedies work properly without any side effects.

Causes of Lipoma

Another of the possible Causes of Lipoma could be a genetic hormone, as it can be seen in members of the same family. Certain heredity medical conditions, for example those listed below, can cause more than one lipoma to form.

  • Cowden syndrome offers lipoma tumors and skin tags.
  • Gardner syndrome sometimes causes benign tumors.
  • Madelung disease has lipomas on upper body and is rare.
  • Familial multiple lipomatosis is a hereditary disorder of multiple lipomas.
  • Adiposis dolorosa prompts growth of benign lipoma tumors.

Natural Herbal Treatment for Lipoma

Natural Herbal Remedies for Lipoma Treatment

The treatment methods discussed above come with their own negative aspects. When the lipoma doesn’t cause you much discomfort, you can try a few natural, non-invasive ways to treat them.

Natural Treatment for Lipoma doesn’t have any side effects and are completely safe to use. It is important to keep in mind that these do not produce instant results. You have to use them regularly and allow time to show results. Here are some Lipoma Natural Remedies you can follow here.

Essential Oil

Essential Oils

Essential oils such as tea tree or sage oil can be used in combination with carrier oil for example coconut or castor oil to be applied on the lipoma two times a day. Castor oil can be softly massaged onto the affected area at bedtime, to remove the lipoma. You can also use neem oil for Lipoma Treatment Naturally.

Honey and Flour

Honey and Flour

Get rid of the fatty tissue deposits with natural products, like raw honey and flour. Mix these two products together to make a thick paste to apply directly on the lipoma. Use a dressing to cover for at least 36 hours. Repeat Lipoma Natural Treatment at least five times.

Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea enhances metabolism and helps to burn fats. It can help to reduce the size of lipoma. It contains antioxidants and regulates blood sugar and fat. Tea can be used in combination with other remedies as a base, to treat lipoma.



Another good remedy to try is garlic. Sulfur-containing compounds such as adenosine, allicin and paraffinic polysulfides in garlic help reduce the size of fatty deposits under the skin.



Sage is thought to have a natural attraction to fat, which is why topical application of sage on can dissolve and decrease the lipoma. It also maintains a healthy fluid balance in the body. It can be directly applied onto the lipoma.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Here the simplest method. Just take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar every night before you go to bed. Follow this Lipoma Herbal Treatment for about 3 to 5 months to see an important result. For your information, not all patients succeed following this method. Only some of them are lucky sufficient.



Ginger is one of the useful herbal ingredients which use in Herbal Treatment for Lipoma. that can effectively help lessen the size of lipomas. It can also stop new lipomas from developing. In addition, it endorses healthy blood circulation throughout the body.

Castor Oil

Castor Oil

Castor Oil for Lipoma is used to treat different benign growths. Directly apply the oil onto the lipoma and massage in a circular motion before bedtime. As castor oil is greasy, you may want to cover with a dressing or utilize a towel on the bedding.

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